Policies and Procedures for all Construction Employees Returning to Work During COVID-19.
In order to better prepare workers for the new requirements around the COVID-19 global pandemic, a snapshot of what a typical day would look like for construction workers has been produced. It will encompass an average day both at home and at work. It will also give helpful tips on how to minimize both exposure and the chances of catching the virus.
Remember, not only is it your responsibility to protect yourself and your family's livelihood, but it is also everyone’s responsibility to ensure that people around them are following proper protocols. If one person doesn't follow these rules, the consequences of a site closure is a reality.
The following policies and procedures were developed using relevant materials released by the Cayman Islands Government, CDC, WHO and numerous other sources on April 30th, 2020 and are subject to change without notice based on necessary amendments made by these governing bodies.
A day in the life of a construction worker
Eat Healthy Food
Good nutrition and eating lots of fruit and vegetables will help build a healthy immune system.
Exercise Daily ​
Regular exercise, at least 30 minutes a day can reduce stress and keep you healthy.
Stay Hydrated
DRINK 8 – 8oz. glasses of water each day (equal to 2 liters or ½ gallon).
Workers are encouraged to bring their own single-use water bottles with them.
Pack Healthy Lunch​
Workers are encouraged to bring their own lunch in an effort to minimize potential contamination.
At Work
Put On Clean Clothes
It is strongly recommended that your work clothes be clean each day and washed every night with soap and hot water.
Pack Safety Gear
All workers are required to wear a hard hat, safety glasses, approved fabric mask, high-visibility vest or clothing, safety-toed shoes and non-disposable gloves on site.
Wear Clean and Sanitized Shoes to Site
Ideally, an alternate pair of shoes that are easy to sanitize must be worn to the site each day.
Examples are rubber footwear like Crocs or sandals. Proper work footwear should not be put on until you get to the site.
Getting Work
If you can, please travel alone. If you must have passengers or are a passenger in a vehicle, everyone must wear a mask and maintain as much distance as possible between one another.
Authorized Travel
Remember – Travel is only authorized to and from the job site. All other government regulations must be adhered to in terms of essential travel.
Upon Arrival To Site
Change into the appropriate work shoes, leaving your clean, sanitized shoes in the car.
Safety Orientation
All workers will be required to participate and sign-off on a safety orientation on your first day on the site. This is your acknowledgement and commitment to adhere to all safety rules and regulations.
Review Safety Notices
Workers are required to review the Site Safety Board upon entering the site each day. Updates on safety policies and procedures will be posted here.
Daily Health Screen
Before access to the site is granted, all workers will have their temperature taken and a short health screen will be conducted to determine their health that day. If you do not pass or refuse the screening you will be sent home.
Put On Safety Gear
Required safety gear – hard hat, protective glasses, high-visibility shirt or vest, non-disposable gloves and safety-toed shoes – must be worn at all times whilst on site. Safety gear must be properly sanitized before and after each shift.
Gloves must be treated like bare hands. Do not touch anything unnecessarily and avoid touching your face. Hands must be washed or sanitized anytime gloves are removed.
Face Masks
Masks must be stored in air-tight bags or containers when they are not being used. When a mask becomes unusable, it must be disposed of in a designated container for contaminated equipment. Masks must be removed using proper procedures.
Masks must be stored in air-tight bags or containers when they are not being used. When a mask becomes unusable, it must be disposed of in a designated container for contaminated equipment. Masks must be removed using proper procedures.
Specific Masks
Once you have been cleared and all PPE and tools are sanitized, go directly to your designated work area where a Supervisor will determine if your task can be completed with the appropriate social distancing. Based on this, you may need to wear a special N95/KN95 mask.
Breaks must be staggered in an effort to maintain social distancing. All food must be consumed in designated areas. The use of communal appliances like refrigerators or microwaves is prohibited.
After Break Or Lunch
Dispose of all garbage and water bottles in the designated bins and wash your hands thoroughly. Face masks may only be removed whilst you are actively eating or drinking and safety gear must be put back on prior to leaving the designated break area.
Leaving Site
Workers are not permitted to leave the site during their shift without approval. If they have to leave, a health screen must be conducted upon re-entry. All face N95/KN95 face masks must be stored properly prior to departure.
Arrival At Home
Before entering your house, if possible, remove all clothing and shoes and place them in a garbage bag to transport them into the house.
Wash Clothes
In an effort to reduce the risk of contamination, it is strongly recommended that you wash your clothes in hot water and detergent each night or leave them in the garbage bag until you are able to do so.
Clothes previously worn can not be worn again unless they have been thoroughly washed.
Bathe Or Shower
Immediately after entering the house you need to bathe or shower. Do not touch anyone or anything until you have had a shower. Once you’ve washed yourself, put clean clothes on.
At this point you can rest confidently, eat a good dinner and sleep well knowing that you have done everything you can to protect yourself, your co-workers and most importantly, your family.
Please continue to follow all government regulations regarding soft and hard curfews and practice social distancing at all times when you are outside of your home.
Following these guidelines will significantly reduce your exposure and risk of contracting COVID-19. We must all work together for the health and safety of each other and our families.
COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by the recently found virus Known as SARSCoV-2 (or coronavirus). Before the outbreak originated in Wuhan, China on December 2019, there was no information about this virus
This disease can spread from person to person through small droplets from the nose or the mouth when the infected person coughs or exhales.
These small droplets land on surfaces, which means any person that touches these surfaces and then their eyes, nose or mouth can become infected.
Protecting yourself and preventing the spread of the disease
This disease can spread from person to person through small droplets from the nose or the mouth when the infected person coughs or exhales.
Try your best not to touch your eyes, your nose and your mouth.
Seek medical attention if you have difficulty breathing and a high fever.
Keep a distance of at least 6 feet between yourself and anyone who coughs or sneezes.
Cover your mouth and your nose with your bent elbow or a tissue when coughing.
Follow the directions of your national or local health authorities.
Flu Hotline
925-6327 (Flow)
947-3077 (Digicel)
For more information, please visit: