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What do we do?
We specialize in new construction, renovation and remodelling of residential construction including oceanfront and canal front custom homes, multifamily buildings, and quality single family homes. We are Marine Construction professionals undertaking marinas, seawalls and docks. We are Increte trained and certified installers of Increte Decorative Stamped Concrete and Walls. We are specialist in concrete flat-works and hard-scaping installations and design. Our highly personalized “hands on” attention of a small builder, and the skills and experience of a large contractor, Robson Construction Ltd is the team to deliver customer satisfaction on your project and complete it on time and on budget.
Click each image to see more photos of each project.
Wellness Garden
Seven Mile Beach.
Coewood Beach Dock
Central Business District Revitalization - Phase 1
This work is part of the Enhancement Project that aims to increase the commercial activity in one of the island's key areas.
Construction of a new dock and rectification of the existing dock next to it at Old Man Bay
Patricks Island Residential Renovation
These photos are from a finished residential renovation at Windswept Drive